Did you know that there is a television show called “Parks and Recreation?” It is on Channel 8 (NBC) on Thursdays nights at 8:30 and stars Amy Poehler from Saturday Night Live. The show is a mockumentary that examines the “exciting world of local government.” I don’t watch it.
But I do keep an eye on the City of Longview Department of Parks and Recreation and am very impressed by the many classes they offer on a regular basis. The June art classes include Crochet, Furniture Making, Toe-Up Sock Knitting, Photoshop, Art Discovery, Adult Basic Sewing Solutions and Beginning Guitar. And I am not the only admirer. A Mr. Russ Dood, from Longview wrote a letter to The Daily News (published May 21) after receiving a copy of their summer programs. Mr. Dood said, “It is refreshing to be able to heap praise on an agency of government seldom mentioned for its contribution to all of us living in and near Longview.” Kudos to Director Richard Bemm, the staff and all the volunteer teachers.
I urge you to pick up a summer schedule (or check out the classes online - www.mylongview.com/reconline) and take a class. Meanwhile, here is the schedule of other late May and June art events, opportunities, workshops and classes.
May/June Events
May18-May30: For the Love of Art exhibit. Mount St. Helens Visitor’s Center, Open 9-5 every day. 3029 Spirit Lake Highway (Mile 5, Route 504), Castle Rock. Info: 360-274-0962
May 27–June 10: Community Conversations. Wings on the Human Spirit, the Visual and Performing Arts. May 27, “Theatre as Consciousness” by Kurt Beattie from A Contemporary Theatre in Seattle. June 3 “Why Poetry” by Joseph Green, LCC English instructor and poet. June 10: “Blues with a Feeling” by LCC instructors Dale Groff and Dennis Shaw Thursdays, Noon-1. Wollenberg Auditorium, Rose Center for the Arts, Lower Columbia College, Longview. Info: 360-442-2311 or lower.columbia.edu.
May 27-28: LCC SLIP Club Pottery Sale. May 27, 5-7; May 28, 12-5. Upper Gallery Level, LCC Gallery at the Rose Center, 15th & Washington, Longview. Info: lowercolumbia.edu/gallery
May 26-29, June 2-5, 10-12. The Three Cuckolds–LCC Center Stage production of masked commedia. 7:30pm. Rose Center for the Performing Arts, 15th and Washington, Longview. Info: lowercolumbia.edu/theatre
May 27–June 11: LCC Annual Student Art Show. Opening Reception: May 27, 5-7pm. LCC Gallery at the Rose Center, 15th & Washington, Longview
June 1-June 30: Columbian Artists Association exhibit. Mount St. Helens Visitor’s Center, Open 9-5 every day. 3029 Spirit Lake Highway (Mile 5, Route 504), Castle Rock. Info: 360-274-0962
June 7-10: Sahara Nights-Kelso High School production of spoof of Arabian Nights Stories. June 7-10, 7pm. Tickets $7 adults, $5 seniors and students. Kelso High School Auditorium, 1904 Allen Street, Kelso. Info: 360-501-1800.
June 8: Lower Columbia College Jazz Band. Spring Concert. 7:30. Wollenberg Auditorium, Rose Center for the Arts, Lower Columbia College, Longview. Info:
June 9: “River of Promise-Lewis and Clark on the Columbia”. Dave Nicandri, Washington State Historical Society Director, will discuss the book he has recently completed about this neglected part of the Lewis and Clark journey. 7:00. Cowlitz County Historical Museum, 405 Allen Street, Kelso. Info: 360-577-3119 or co.cowlitz.wa.us/museum
June 11: Lower Columbia College Symphonic Band. Spring Concert. 7:30. Wollenberg Auditorium, Rose Center for the Arts, Lower Columbia College, Longview. Info: lowercolumbia.edu/music
June 15: Lower Columbia College Community Choir. Spring Concert. 7:30. Wollenberg Auditorium, Rose Center for the Arts, Lower Columbia College, Longview. Info: lowercolumbia.edu/music
June 19: Improv After Planters Days Parade. Love Street Playhouse. 1- 3. 126 Love Street, Woodland. Info: 360-263-6670 or lovestreetplayhouse.com
June 26: Robin Hood-Students, ages 6 – 18, will perform this fun play from the Theatre Camp (See Classes, below). 2 and 7:30. $5. Love Street Playhouse, 126 Love Street, Woodland. Info: 360-263-6670 or lovestreetplayhouse.com
Writers Wanted: Valley Bugler seeking writers to produce 400 word essays on their profession or passion. Contact Michelle Myre, Publisher, at editor@valleybugler.com
Call for Vendors: Second Annual Kelso Downtown Spring Fling. Event features food, music, and a flea market. June 5, 10-4. More Information: Mike Zonich 360-636-3000; Robin Stout at 360-423-4816 or fringe9@msn.com
Call for Vendors: Bowtie Blast Bazaar. Event featuring arts and crafts, flea market, etc, sponsored by the Longview Downtowners. July 3, 9-3. $12 for an 8’x4’ space in The Merk, Broadway and Commerce, Longview. Bring your own table or rent a 4’ oval table for $6 each (limited number available). Contact: Mic McCord at 360-575-9440.
Call for Artists: Art in the Park–juried exhibition of fine arts and crafts. August 14, 10-5. If you are interested in participating, please contact Columbian Artists Association, PO Box 2862, Longview, WA 98632, csbartist@yahoo.com or columbianartists.org
I Am an Artist: Professional Development Weekend for Artists. Presented by Artists Trust. June 5-6. Vancouver, WA. Info: 206-467-8734 x20 or 1-866-21-TRUST (toll free) or emailing nirmala@artisttrust.org
Grant Writing for Artists. Presented by Artists Trust. June 12. Vancouver, WA. Info: Miguel Guillen at 206/467-8734 x11, 866/218-7878 x11 (toll-free) or miguel@artisttrust.org
Theatre Camp: Young actors (ages 6 to 18) will have the opportunity to audition for the summer children’s show, Robin Hood. June 21–26, 9–noon. Love Street Playhouse, 126 Love Street, Woodland. Info: 360-263-6670 or lovestreetplayhouse.com
But I do keep an eye on the City of Longview Department of Parks and Recreation and am very impressed by the many classes they offer on a regular basis. The June art classes include Crochet, Furniture Making, Toe-Up Sock Knitting, Photoshop, Art Discovery, Adult Basic Sewing Solutions and Beginning Guitar. And I am not the only admirer. A Mr. Russ Dood, from Longview wrote a letter to The Daily News (published May 21) after receiving a copy of their summer programs. Mr. Dood said, “It is refreshing to be able to heap praise on an agency of government seldom mentioned for its contribution to all of us living in and near Longview.” Kudos to Director Richard Bemm, the staff and all the volunteer teachers.
I urge you to pick up a summer schedule (or check out the classes online - www.mylongview.com/reconline) and take a class. Meanwhile, here is the schedule of other late May and June art events, opportunities, workshops and classes.
May/June Events
May18-May30: For the Love of Art exhibit. Mount St. Helens Visitor’s Center, Open 9-5 every day. 3029 Spirit Lake Highway (Mile 5, Route 504), Castle Rock. Info: 360-274-0962
May 27–June 10: Community Conversations. Wings on the Human Spirit, the Visual and Performing Arts. May 27, “Theatre as Consciousness” by Kurt Beattie from A Contemporary Theatre in Seattle. June 3 “Why Poetry” by Joseph Green, LCC English instructor and poet. June 10: “Blues with a Feeling” by LCC instructors Dale Groff and Dennis Shaw Thursdays, Noon-1. Wollenberg Auditorium, Rose Center for the Arts, Lower Columbia College, Longview. Info: 360-442-2311 or lower.columbia.edu.
May 27-28: LCC SLIP Club Pottery Sale. May 27, 5-7; May 28, 12-5. Upper Gallery Level, LCC Gallery at the Rose Center, 15th & Washington, Longview. Info: lowercolumbia.edu/gallery
May 26-29, June 2-5, 10-12. The Three Cuckolds–LCC Center Stage production of masked commedia. 7:30pm. Rose Center for the Performing Arts, 15th and Washington, Longview. Info: lowercolumbia.edu/theatre
May 27–June 11: LCC Annual Student Art Show. Opening Reception: May 27, 5-7pm. LCC Gallery at the Rose Center, 15th & Washington, Longview
June 1-June 30: Columbian Artists Association exhibit. Mount St. Helens Visitor’s Center, Open 9-5 every day. 3029 Spirit Lake Highway (Mile 5, Route 504), Castle Rock. Info: 360-274-0962
June 7-10: Sahara Nights-Kelso High School production of spoof of Arabian Nights Stories. June 7-10, 7pm. Tickets $7 adults, $5 seniors and students. Kelso High School Auditorium, 1904 Allen Street, Kelso. Info: 360-501-1800.
June 8: Lower Columbia College Jazz Band. Spring Concert. 7:30. Wollenberg Auditorium, Rose Center for the Arts, Lower Columbia College, Longview. Info:
June 9: “River of Promise-Lewis and Clark on the Columbia”. Dave Nicandri, Washington State Historical Society Director, will discuss the book he has recently completed about this neglected part of the Lewis and Clark journey. 7:00. Cowlitz County Historical Museum, 405 Allen Street, Kelso. Info: 360-577-3119 or co.cowlitz.wa.us/museum
June 11: Lower Columbia College Symphonic Band. Spring Concert. 7:30. Wollenberg Auditorium, Rose Center for the Arts, Lower Columbia College, Longview. Info: lowercolumbia.edu/music
June 15: Lower Columbia College Community Choir. Spring Concert. 7:30. Wollenberg Auditorium, Rose Center for the Arts, Lower Columbia College, Longview. Info: lowercolumbia.edu/music
June 19: Improv After Planters Days Parade. Love Street Playhouse. 1- 3. 126 Love Street, Woodland. Info: 360-263-6670 or lovestreetplayhouse.com
June 26: Robin Hood-Students, ages 6 – 18, will perform this fun play from the Theatre Camp (See Classes, below). 2 and 7:30. $5. Love Street Playhouse, 126 Love Street, Woodland. Info: 360-263-6670 or lovestreetplayhouse.com
Writers Wanted: Valley Bugler seeking writers to produce 400 word essays on their profession or passion. Contact Michelle Myre, Publisher, at editor@valleybugler.com
Call for Vendors: Second Annual Kelso Downtown Spring Fling. Event features food, music, and a flea market. June 5, 10-4. More Information: Mike Zonich 360-636-3000; Robin Stout at 360-423-4816 or fringe9@msn.com
Call for Vendors: Bowtie Blast Bazaar. Event featuring arts and crafts, flea market, etc, sponsored by the Longview Downtowners. July 3, 9-3. $12 for an 8’x4’ space in The Merk, Broadway and Commerce, Longview. Bring your own table or rent a 4’ oval table for $6 each (limited number available). Contact: Mic McCord at 360-575-9440.
Call for Artists: Art in the Park–juried exhibition of fine arts and crafts. August 14, 10-5. If you are interested in participating, please contact Columbian Artists Association, PO Box 2862, Longview, WA 98632, csbartist@yahoo.com or columbianartists.org
I Am an Artist: Professional Development Weekend for Artists. Presented by Artists Trust. June 5-6. Vancouver, WA. Info: 206-467-8734 x20 or 1-866-21-TRUST (toll free) or emailing nirmala@artisttrust.org
Grant Writing for Artists. Presented by Artists Trust. June 12. Vancouver, WA. Info: Miguel Guillen at 206/467-8734 x11, 866/218-7878 x11 (toll-free) or miguel@artisttrust.org
Theatre Camp: Young actors (ages 6 to 18) will have the opportunity to audition for the summer children’s show, Robin Hood. June 21–26, 9–noon. Love Street Playhouse, 126 Love Street, Woodland. Info: 360-263-6670 or lovestreetplayhouse.com