Last Quilt I Made-for Granddaughter in January 2008
Quilting is a 3.58 billion dollar industry with over 21 million quilters. The average quilter is a 62 year old female who has been quilting for 16 years; 46% of these quilters make traditional and 50% make both traditional and contemporary style quilts.
I picked up these statistics when I was doing research for an article for the September issue of the Columbia River Reader. I interviewed Vivian Ross, the featured quilter, at the Ladies of the Lake Quilt Show that starts on October 1. Vivian “does not sew” but she does embroider, appliqué and embellish contemporary quilts. I also visited several quilt shops in Longview, Kelso and Kalama.
I have been an episodic quilter for 35 years-mainly baby and Christmas quilt. I haven’t made a quilt for 3 years but I am now inspired and have already signed up for a class. And I plan on taking advantage of the inspiration offered by the numerous quilt shows going on in September and October.
September 11-October 24: Quilt Show River City Strippers. Thurs-Sun, 12 noon-4:00. Redmen Hall, 1304 SR 4 (Ocean Beach Highway), Skamokawa, Wash. Info: 360-795-3007.
September 16-19: St Mary’s 40th Annual Quilt & Crafts Fair, 10-4. Admission $1. St. Mary’s Church, 960 Missouri Avenue, Vernonia, Ore. Info: 503-429-8841.
September 24-26: Pleasant Hill Quilters Quilt Show.10-3. $2 donation or 2 cans of food. Pleasant Hill Grange, 4741 Pleasant Hill Road, Kelso.
October 1-30: Teague’s Quilt Show. Artists Reception October 1. 5-8pm. 1267 Commerce, Longview, Wash. Info: 360-636-0712.
October 1-2: Quilt Show Ladies of the Lake. Fri 9-6; Sat 9-4. $5 donation. New Life Fellowship Church, 42nd, Longview, Wash. Info: Susan Cunningham at 425-6633 or Lenore Meyers 274-4636.
And it is time to do another baby quilt.
First Thursday Activities – October 7
Banda's Bouquets, 1310 Broadway www.bandasbouquets.com
Featuring paintings by Gayle Kiser.
Open until 7:00pm.
Broadway Gallery, 1418 Commerce www.the-broadway-gallery.com/
The feature artists are Quentin Robbins (painting), Melinda Brein, Suzanne Martin, (lampwork and jewelry) and Kathryn Marks (watercolor).
Reception: 5:30–7:30pm. Music by Dave and Dian.
LCC Gallery at the Rose Center, 15th & Washington, Longview www.lowercolumbia.edu/community/art-and-entertainment/the-art-gallery/
The featured artist is Michael Paul Miller, The Salvaged. Show runs until October 27.
Open until 7:00pm.
Longview Public Library Koth Gallery, 1600 Louisiana, Longview www.longviewlibrary.org/
Columbian Artists Fall Library Show. Show runs until October 6. (Handweavers Guild, October 7-October 27.)
Open until 8:00pm.
Lord & McCord Artworks, 1416 Commerce www.lindamccord.com
The featured artist is Karen Leback with watercolors. Columbian Artists Association member Alan Brunk will demonstrate collograph printing.
Reception: 5:00–7:00pm. Live music.
ZoJo Coffee, 1335 14th Avenue, Longview www.zojocoffee.com
Featuring the works of Sharron Simpson.
Open until 7:00pm.
September 16-October 10: Columbian Artists Fall Library Show. Reception: September 16, 5:30-7:30. Koth Memorial Gallery, Longview Library. Longview, Wash. Info: Barb Dunlap at dunlap5442@comcast.com or Amanda Kandoll at 360-673-3041.
September 18-19: 45th Annual Rock & Gem Show. September 19, 10-6; September 19, 10-4. Free. Castle Rock Fairgrounds, Castle Rock, Wash. Info: Fran Wolff at 360-560-2987 or fwolff@comcast.net.
September 18-19 and 25-26: ARTrails-Studio Tours of 60 artists. 10-5. Centralia, Wash .Info: www.ARTrailsofSWW.org.
September 18: Chor Anno Annual Choral Concert. 7pm. Free will offering will benefit Community Home Health and Hospice; reception. St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 1428 22nd Avenue, Longview, Wash. Info: Gary Lindstrom 360-431-8653.
September 23: John Davidson Longview-Kelso Community Concert Association. 7:30. Single ($25) and season ($54) tickets available at the door. Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts, 1231 Vandercook, Longview, Wash. Info: Betty Houten 360-425-5136.
September 26: Classical to Cabaret-An Afternoon of Song. 3pm. $25.Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts, 1231 Vandercook, Longview, Wash. Info: 360-575-8499 or www.columbiatheatre.com.
October 5: WordFest Book Launch: Alan Rose reading from Tales of Tokyo and stories and poems that are creepy, scary, or ghoulish. 5, 6-8. The Brits, 1427 Commerce Avenue, Longview, Wash. Info: Info: 360-425-3430 x280.
October 6: Cirque Mechanics “Boom Town.” 7:30. $25-$40. Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts, 1231 Vandercook, Longview, Wash. Info: 360-575-8499 or www.columbiatheatre.com.
October 10: Pops Concert Southwest Washington Symphony. 3pm. $20 adult; $15 senior, $5 student. Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts, 1231 Vandercook, Longview, Wash. Info: 360-575-8499 or www.columbiatheatre.com.
October 14-16: Cabaret. 8pm, Sat 2pm. Columbia Theatre for the Performing Arts, 1231 Vandercook, Longview, Wash. Info: www.pioneerlions.org/cabaret.html.
October 14-31. “Murder at the Mansion”-dinner theatre. Longview Stageworks. 6-9. Rutherglen Mansion, 420 Rutherglen Road, Longview. Info: 360-636-4488.
October 22-November7: “7 Keys to Baldpate”. Loves Street Playhouse. 7:30, Sun 2. $10 Adults, $8 Seniors/Youth. Loves Street Playhouse, 126 Loves Ave, Woodland, Wash. Info: www.lovestreetplayhouse.com/.
Original Script Competition Astor Street Opry Company seeks one-act plays and 5-minute monologues. The winning scripts and monologues will be produced by ASOC in Feb 2011 for its second annual New Works Festival. Deadline: September 30. Info: www.astorstreetoprycompany.com.
Call for Artists. Farms Forever Art Show and Dinner-fine art related to farming, agriculture or farmer’s markets. November 6, the Loft on Cherry, Olympia, Wash. Deadline: October 15. Info: Connie Allison 360-292-9842.
Call for Artists 5th Annual international juried exhibit, Au Naturel: The Nude in the 21st Century. February 17–April 14, 2011 at Clatsop Community College’s Art Center Gallery. Cash prizes. Deadline: November 7. Info: Kristin Shauck 503-338-2472 or www.clatsopcc.edu.
Call for Art Works for Display Standing Ovation, a business located in the old Longview Theatre building at 1433 Commerce, Longview, Wash is looking for artists to hang work for sale. Contact Chris Siegrist at cjgrist@yahoo.com.
Writers Wanted: Valley Bugler seeking writers to produce 400 word essays on their profession or passion. Contact Michelle Myre, Publisher, at editor@valleybugler.com.
Call for Artists. Gallery 110 in Seattle is looking for art that explores personal relationship for a Valentine show. Deadline: November 1. Info: juriedshow@gallery110.com.
Broadway Gallery. Art classes for children and adults: Oil Painting for Fun, Art’s Cool!, Into to Art A, Into to Art B, Beginning Stone Carving, Charcoal Drawing, Drawing, and Painting for Fun. Info: 360-577-0544 or www.the-broadway-gallery.com/classes.htm.
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